Virus Removal

$120 (Pick-up, service, and Delivery Flat Rate)

We’ll do a deep dive into your device to root out any malware that has found its way onto your device. We’ll also take measures to help prevent future infections. This service also comes with a comprehensive tune-up.

If your computer has been compromised, we can help. It doesn’t matter how much malware there ends up being on your computer, we will get rid of it all, add preventative measures, and perform a full tune-up of the computer to make sure it’s running like new. 

Symptoms of a virus or malware/spyware on your computer may include:


  • Your Home Page changed, and you may not be able to re-set it
  • Unknown programs that start whenever you turn the computer on
  • Pop-up windows frequently coming up without any action on your part
  • Emails/Alerts about password changes that you did not request
  • Very suddenly reduced computer performance/speed
  • A screen that tells you you have to pay money in order to “unlock” your computer, even if it acts like it’s from the government.
We will always tell you if the problem falls under a different service category and inform you of the price to make sure you want to proceed with the repair.
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